19th "Rendez-vous aux jardins", with picnic

Parc & Jardins 7 rue du Château, Ainay-le-Vieil, France

This year, the theme is "Gardens in the face of climate change". To protect the biodiversity of species, the Château d'Ainay-le-Vieil supports a policy of protecting bees, insects and birds by creating a garden environment that is conducive to their development. A workshop to build an insect house is available [...].

8,00€ à 12,00€

20th edition of "Rendez-vous aux jardins

Parc & Jardins 7 rue du Château, Ainay-le-Vieil, France

This year's theme is "Music in the Garden", evoking the many sounds heard in gardens: birdsong, the sounds of other animals (frogs, insects, etc.), the sounds of water, wind, plants, sound installations, music composed for a garden, etc. Saturday at 4pm: Guided tour of the gardens. Introduction by [...]

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