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"Openings" by Juan Garaizabal, sculpture exhibition

Parc & Jardins 7 rue du Château, Ainay-le-Vieil

An exhibition by internationally-renowned visual artist Juan Garaizabal, his sculptures will be presented in the gardens of Château d'Ainay-le-Vieil.

Musée d'Art et Traditions Populaires: permanent exhibition

Musée d'Art et Traditions Populaires du Château d’Ainay-le-Vieil 7 rue du Château, Ainay-le-Vieil

This museum retraces the village of Ainay-le-Vieil on the eve of the 1914 war. In 1914, Ainay-le-Vieil had around 510 inhabitants. It was a lively village of farmers who worked the land [...].

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