Press review

Château d'Ainay-le-Vieil press review


Châteaux and vineyards: stroll, discover, taste!

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Forbes magazine, aerial image of the castle of Ainay-le-Vieil with the surrounding countryside

Le Berry Républicain

These places in the Boischaut are open until Monday

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Historic house no. 220

Working at height: safety, advice and solutions.

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Cover of the magazine Demeure historique n°220

L'Écho du Berry

Article of 2 October 2020 in the Echoes of Berry on the gardens of Ainay-le-Vieil

Le Berry Républicain

A fundraising campaign to help restore Ainay-le-Vieil castle

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Le Berry républicain

An escape game in the cellars of Ainay-le-Vieil castle

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The Republican Berry

A summer on the Jacques Coeur Route (1/7): Peufeilhoux and Ainay-le-Vieil, two castles, two destinies

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